
Flip your Wiig this Valentine’s Day with BARB & STAR GO TO VISTA DEL MAR

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Yeah, someone’s Ex is having a trial right now, oh wait.. That’s Everyone in…

4 years ago

Naughty-nice P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU airs at Dances With Films & is funny

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Has anyone else ever had the thought that only Australians want to make, or…

5 years ago

Mama Needs a GIF: Maya Rudolph bags VP Nom Kamala Harris

by Screenmancer Staff from Funny or Die Yes, the Upbraidy Bunch strikes again over at Funny or Die with curated…

5 years ago

Wilder genes: Emma Thompson dissects YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN for #AFIMOVIECLUB

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Before can say “Frau Blucher,” Dame Emma Thompson DBE is here in her lockdown…

5 years ago

La-tee-dah: Saban runs with Dennis Dugan’s LOVE, WEDDINGS & OTHER DISASTERS fronted by Diane Keaton

Curated by Screenmancer Staff LOS ANGELES, CA: In a competitive situation, Saban Films is closing on North American distribution rights…

5 years ago

Jamie Kennedy’s STOOPID SMART Bowls You Over May 25, Also His Bday, FYI

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent Where has Jamie Kennedy been? In lockdown like the rest of us. But Monday,…

5 years ago

WIR ELTERN from Pluto Film Sums Up Coronavirus Captivity Without a Mask

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent “Sometimes, there's a man, well, he's the man for his time and place. He…

5 years ago

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