by Screenmancer Staff
We stole this from the Upbraidy Bunch, who stole it first. That would be the Ferrell gang over at Funny Or Die. But is there something to be learned when you watch Jack Black shave is “Covid hairs” for real for way too long? Maybe not. This uncomfortable grooming session is emblematic of how we all feel when time has turned into this plastic not-so-fantastic loop where we are on (sorta) lockdown.
Enjoy, and isn’t his kid cute?
That’s all. We have nothing else to say. Except?
Britney? This is how it’s done. #FreeBritney… opposite for Kanye Spears, ps.
Actually we’re just glad Jack’s little Nacho Libré is a Boston Red Sox fan. Even though they lost 10 to 2 yesterday to the Washington Nationals, ps, with more (suck) games to go.
Bonus: Funny Or Die turns First Lady Melania’s RNC dress into a green screen over at their place.
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