Sony Pictures Entertainment

DOLPHIN ISLAND splashes onto PureFlix, a division of SPE, this FallDOLPHIN ISLAND splashes onto PureFlix, a division of SPE, this Fall

DOLPHIN ISLAND splashes onto PureFlix, a division of SPE, this Fall

LOS ANGELES, CA: Pure Flix, a specialty division of Sony Pictures Entertainment streaming service, has acquired the SVOD rights for…

4 years ago
LITTLE WOMEN Helmer Greta Gerwig Owns Her Story, 2 Golden Globe NomsLITTLE WOMEN Helmer Greta Gerwig Owns Her Story, 2 Golden Globe Noms

LITTLE WOMEN Helmer Greta Gerwig Owns Her Story, 2 Golden Globe Noms

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent No, Greta Gerwig didn’t get nominated for director or screenplay, but she is in the running…

5 years ago