Puerto Rico

Rita Moreno lived #MeToo before it eruptedRita Moreno lived #MeToo before it erupted

Rita Moreno lived #MeToo before it erupted

by Screenmancer Staff Who doesn’t love Rita Moreno? Over the span of seventy-plus years, Hollywood legend Rita Moreno defied both…

4 years ago
Adam Schlachter, Director of AND THE BRAVE SHALL RISE, On 17 Ways to Save AmericaAdam Schlachter, Director of AND THE BRAVE SHALL RISE, On 17 Ways to Save America

Adam Schlachter, Director of AND THE BRAVE SHALL RISE, On 17 Ways to Save America

by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent When “Shorts by the Sea” closed its film run at the Santa Monica Laemmle…

5 years ago