Nobody TOLDJA Nikki Finke would die at only 68Nobody TOLDJA Nikki Finke would die at only 68

Nobody TOLDJA Nikki Finke would die at only 68

Nikki Finke pioneered, literally owned Live-Snarking, real-time Oscar coverage. Yet AMPAS pulled her credentials at one point? Nikki created her…

2 years ago
Penske Media buys The American Pavilion at Cannes Film FestPenske Media buys The American Pavilion at Cannes Film Fest

Penske Media buys The American Pavilion at Cannes Film Fest

by Screenmancer Staff LOS ANGELES, CA: Today, Penske Media (PMC) announced the acquisition of The American Pavilion at the Cannes Film Festival, a relied upon communications,  hospitality, and media center…

3 years ago