Robinson Rea


a Screenmancer exclusive

produced by Robinson Rea
“The heart, not the hype.”
Robin Rea interviews Script Consultant
Ranked #1 by Creative Screenwriting Magazine
“What I really believe is that if you are called to write, you’ve got to focus on the process of writing and not on the outcome.”

click on the name for…


Goldwyn Award winner Pamela Gray, shares a “getting it made” story with Producer Robin Rea.

We talk to writer-performer NIA VARDALOS.
Her one-woman show, MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING, was made into a motion picture.

“Disney called me in for a meeting and told me they wanted to buy my idea. I was like, yeah, all right! Until they told me I wouldn’t be in it.”


Robin Rea talks to Patrick Lynn, one of the producers of  Sundance’s smash indie, BLOOD GUTS BULLETS & OCTANE.


Nicholl Fellowship Screenwriting Coordinator Greg Beal in an exclusive interview



Straight ouuta NYC, Women Make Movies Executive Director Debra Zimmerman reminds us, “In 1928, 25% of the screenwriters were women.
“It’s just part and parcel of the problem that no matter what happens in Hollywood, it’s never credited to be because it appeals to women… the military and the film industry are the toughest places for a woman, because both are closed, hierarchical systems.”

Becky Smith talks about her short filmDeath by Vertigo


Dawn Hudson | Executive Director of IFP West

“Writers have to be very creative in charting their own path.”

Deborah Stenard asks the big question in her  short film, I Do, Don’t I?
“We had a bomb scare; we lost crew who got real jobs; we cut an entire scene from the script because we lost a location.
But we handled it.”

Scott Sublett | Screenwriter/Educator
“Students understand film instinctively and are engaged in writing the wave of a change in its conventions.”

Linda Cowgill Screenwriter/Educator/Author of Writing Short Films



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Talk to Producer Robin Rea
