by Quendrith Johnson, Los Angeles Correspondent
Has anyone else ever had the thought that only Australians want to make, or star in, or direct, American TV shows and movies these days? Add your own el-oh-el to that one, but P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU is a semi-zany series from an American who sounds like an Aussie, Jessie McCormack, that will stream at the upcoming Dances with Films (DWF) fest from Aug. 27 through Sept. 6. Hey, just for the record, for this reviewer? It is, well, actually funny. Brown grad McCormack is kind of cinematic ringer because her play “Spine” was excerpted in “The Best Women’s Monologues” from Applause Books, can’t remember year off hand, because it is an ongoing series. Suffice it to say, the woman can write and has the stage chops.
Cannibalizing from the “news item:” the project stars, and is “written, directed and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Jessie McCormack.” Truth be told, none of us, okay most of us, had never heard the name before now, right? After watching this clip, you’ll remember it, promise.
Anyway, “P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU was inspired by McCormack’s own experiences as an American living in the U.K. All 6 episodes of the series were shot in London.”
Is She Funny Or What? Or? Take That Funny Or Die! Comedy isn’t just Ferrell.
Here’s the Official Deets from Whomever Sent This (Is it October yet?)
LOS ANGELES, CA: P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU is an irreverent new digital comedy series exploring the cultural differences between the U.S and UK will premiere at the Dances with Films film festival in September.
Starring, written, directed and executive produced by award-winning filmmaker Jessie McCormack, P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU was inspired by McCormack’s own experiences as an American living in the U.K. All 6 episodes of the series were shot in London.
Losing the Plot Means Recapping the Plot…
Sandy, a down-and-out New York TV host, is given an unexpected opportunity by her spirited, Scottish best friend, Gina to move to London and host a series Gina is producing, exploring and confronting the cultural differences between America and the UK. Upon arrival, Sandy discovers the show’s budget has been slashed, forcing her to move into Gina’s cramped flat, along with Gina’s two tween girls and estranged English husband who can’t afford his own place. Working and living together, the two headstrong women from very different backgrounds discover the personal explorations and confrontations don’t stop when the cameras do.
Cast: Jessie McCormack, Gaynor Howe, Rober Wilfort, Muzz Khan, Kira Howe, Josie Howe
Produced by: Jason Kaminsky, Blair Skinner
Executive produced by: McCormack and Matthew Byam Shaw
Don’t make fun of the Kevin Costner-inspired name, either, as Dances with Films has been around since 1998, and “Defiantly Independent” is their tagline. (Gets your vote, right? Real Indie folks, ps.)
Visit them at the link below for DWF, and Episode 1, of P*SS OFF, I LOVE YOU, screens Saturday, Sept. 5 at 3:15 pm PST, and Sunday, Sept. 6 at 3pm PST as part of DWF’s web pilots section.
Enjoy a laugh while you can… remember… “it’s later than you think!”
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