by Screenmancer Staff
We’re taking a few moments to pause and reflect on the largest wildfires per acreage as recorded in California from 1932 to 2020. This list comes from CAL FIRE, and perhaps all of us in or out of the danger zones can take pause to thank the brave men and women of the fire first responder units.
These stats include total area up in flames, County, number of structures, as well as a death count and month/year of the conflagration. The most shocking stat here? How many fires are currently under investigation, yes, but the number of “Human Related” blazes identified.
CAL FIRE – Fire Names, Date, County, Acreage, Structure Tally & Death Count – 1932-2020
When you see how many times human beings have damaged the Forest intentionally, you get a sense of how powerful prevention and respect for the National Forests is as a guiding principle.
HEART OF A FIREFIGHTER – The Real Heroes on Film
Visit CAL FIRE and find a way to honor the firefighters, visit this page.
[Stay safe, and take care of our national woodlands that make up so much of this great country.]
Thank you to all the first responders, and their families.
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