by OG Screenmancer
Okay, who goes after Anonymous when they are such a powerful collective? With all due respect to the white hats with black mad-hatter h4ck3r skills? Please direct your attention to the use of label “fanboys” in the Matrix green Guy Fawkes faced hoodie fronted recent little mean movie for Tesla and SpaceX head Elon Musk.

The clip is ostensibly to curb Elon troll-posts on cryptocurrency markets, as he just adopted Dogecoin over Bitcoin and pushed the crypto exchanges into chaos with his preposterously influential Tweets.
But that’s not the only message. It is deafening subtext for most women in science, technology, engineering, math, and every other profession, or lack of profession. Anonymous shows its bias front and center in the time of cancel culture, with the radioactive effects that blowback certain terms on their speakers.
Add “rich dudes” to the gaffe column in this gassy viridescent warning from on high. It reeks of WMP (white male privilege), not to mention the “savior complex” as messianic talk from the West in another default reflex.
Wait for it, “fanboys” and “rich dudes” imply male message only?
So, as we wait for the fallout for the Bitcoin-averse Elon Musk, the matter at hand is the sexist issue. There are women in Anonymous, as some of the founders in the flat hierarchy are aware? Raise your hand… JK.
Next time Anonymous threatens the self-titled Emperor of Mars, try to include Venus.
#STEMwomen feel free to slow clap now.
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